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DigiEduHack 2025

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 6th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 7-16 Nov 2025!

Milos Kravcik

DigiEduHack National Ambassador

The research focus of Dr Milos Kravcik, Senior Researcher of the Education Technology Lab at DFKI in Berlin, is in the field of learning technologies, in particular personalised and adaptive solutions, lifelong skills development, mobile and game-based learning and workplace-integrated training. He has successfully acquired and managed several EU projects at Comenius University in Bratislava, the Fraunhofer FIT Institute in Sankt Augustin, the Open University in the Netherlands and RWTH Aachen University. These included projects focusing on the support of impaired students, the development of web-based adaptive learning environments, applications for mobile learning, tools for self-regulated learning at the workplace, but also work on standardisation and interoperability of learning systems. He is editor of various conference and workshop proceedings and author of articles, book chapters and numerous publications.

The Educational Technology Lab (EdTec) at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) focuses on using artificial intelligence and innovative software technologies to support the training, qualification and education processes of scholastic, academic and professional basic and further training. The emergence of technology, education and organisation in networked, digitised worlds is particularly relevant in research, development, innovation and transformation. Academics work together with partners for research and science, the digital and education economies, spinoffs, EdTec startups, and young companies in e-learning and digital education.

The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) was founded in 1988 as a non-profit public-private partnership. In the field of innovative commercial software technology using Artificial Intelligence, DFKI is the leading research center in Germany. Based on application oriented basic research, DFKI develops product functions, prototypes and patentable solutions in the field of information and communication technology. The DFKI model of a non-profit public-private partnership (ppp) is nationally and internationally considered a blueprint for corporate structure in the field of top-level research. DFKI is actively involved in numerous organizations representing and continuously advancing Germany as an excellent location for cutting-edge research and technology. Far beyond the country’s borders DFKI enjoys an excellent reputation for its academic training of young scientists. At present, approx. 930 highly qualified researchers, administrators and 630 graduate students from more than 76 countries are contributing to more than 560 DFKI research projects. DFKI serves as a stepping stone to leading positions in industry and successful careers as founders of spin-off companies. Over the years, more than 160 staff members have been appointed professors at universities in Germany and abroad.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dfki/